Irony of Ironies the Great British Pubco SCAM has taken an impossible to believe but very real perverse private equity twist...
@NewRiverRetail @MarstonsPubs @CooperativesUK in Community pub closing spree
New River Retail and Marston's Pub Company have targeted hundreds of viable, community pubs all over the UK that have sitting tenant publicans working and living in them, that are not making enough profit for the private equity hedge fund freeholders ... They want to maximise return on investment by squeezing out the publicans, closing the pubs and converting them to alternative use... They are paying off publicans and demanding that they HELP get change of use by supporting planning applications.
The report was repeated in other Worcestershire titles further afield... And picked up by the Publicans Morning Advertiser but has not hit mainstream press where it needs to be.
The closing of dozens of viable pubs is a cultural crimewave which I know many people who care about publicans, their pubs and the people and communities they serve are very concerned about. They understand that community local pubs are a defining part of British society's very Sense of Place, recognised internationally as Homes Away from Home
We need to mobilise, This IS War. Our pubs are being slaughtered and we're being hung out to dry by Chianti swilling private equity hedge funders... and ignorant cooperative imitators. We need to mobilise a national campaign against this national cultural crimewave.
@CAMRA_Official is aiding and abetting by doing nothing
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