
Friday, July 04, 2008


Mark very fair points and questions that fair Pint should be countering in the media to Enterprise. What exactly is this support(and what strings are attached) and why don't you know how many of your pubs are closing. They have to take EVERY opportunity to discredit their press releases as they happen not a week or month later. Ken Nason

Mark I do believe that if the Fairpint coffers could cope with someone who has Press Release experience. It would do you and fairpint a lot of favours, the councillor who is involved (sorry forgot his name)should know of someone with experience. I am sure that your cause could be won with the media rather than in court! D Smith

Agreed. An essential reality. David Goliath. Take a look at BBPA income stream. Take a look at Fair Pint's. BBPA has close to £11,000,000 in reserves and five full time specialist background media savvy employees. Fair Pint is essentially voluntary and steered by a few publicans and a couple of highly experienced pub trade experts and we all have day jobs, families and other committments. We're doing pretty damned well so far yet we're in no way complacent. We understand our immediate limitations and are addressing them. Come on gentle people take this on, donate to Fair Pint and make positive large scale change happen for once in this industry. I have. Will you? Donate please via our paypal facility EVEN THE PRICE OF A PINT WILL BE APPRECIATED.

Simply apply some robust thinking to Simon Townsend's assessment of the robust PubCo model and you will find it's very a leaky boat: "'The tie, per say (sic), in businesses such as ours has nothing to do with the difficulties faced by some pubs (sic) in general', He said the tenanted and leased model allowed flexibility in economically challenging times." The deepest irony is that this issues from the belly of a Community Pubs Inquiry. If the PubCo model really WERE flexible in economically challenging times there would not be a Community Pub Enquiry at all and the Pubcos would not be looking to the Government to bail them out. The Community Pub Inquiry is clear evidence, a legacy, of PubCos having aggressively driven up tied rents over two decades to be on par with free of tie while obliging lessees to pay AT LEAST TWICE AS MUCH for beer than they would if they were free of tie. OFFICIAL PRESS RELEASE TO FOLLOW.

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