We need to lobby government hard about what's happening to pubs. By rights this should be the Campaign for Real Ale's job but as many, many pro pubs' campaigners know CAMRA HQ is clearly in touch with the Other Side and instead of acting to REALLY save pubs has developed a range of navel gazing techniques designed to create torpor in the membership and avoid getting off the HQ fence.
Revitalisation Schmevitalisation. Unfortunately I've not been able to get to the two Revitalisation sessions that have been near me for sake of other commitments saving pubs, 'ironically', as it happens. But members I've spoken to have come right out and said without hesitation they consider the sessions to be steering in a direction HQ wants it to be driven 'No room for individual comment, just multiple choices to tick' is what one concerned Campaign For Real Ale footsoldier told me.
It's NOT exactly complicated, is it?
Without pubs there's nowhere to commune, nowhere to share ale and have a national conversation. Without pubs there is nowhere a community can readily drop in and share views, ideas and information about anything with anyone from all manner of background and occupation. What's happening is a cultural disaster the impact of which has not been acknowledged by anyone officially.
WITHOUT #PUBS there is nowhere for people to drink ALE in convivial, controlled, civilised surroundings other than er, living rooms. What is happening to pubs is an unprecedented cultural crime wave sweeping Britain.
The Campaign For Real Ale: Ale bought from cut price supermarkets to be drunk in living rooms.
WITHOUT #PUBS there is nowhere for people to drink ALE in convivial, controlled, civilised surroundings other than er, living rooms. What is happening to pubs is an unprecedented cultural crime wave sweeping Britain.
The Campaign For Real Ale: Ale bought from cut price supermarkets to be drunk in living rooms.
Oh. Except UKIP. BRILLIANT. UKIP support pubs. GREAT.
Every local Pub Preservation group around the country, every CAMRA branch Pubs' Protection Officer, every ordinary concerned community needs to take the initiative and write in absolutely clear terms to government and demand immediate action in national planning policy to remove permitted development rights from all pubs.
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