
Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Tied Pubco Tenants Risk Failure if Free of Tie Option Were Available

Reported verbatim without question on the Pubco's Morning Advertiser rag:

This report is written by one person who represents the company 'Dryburgh Research' - who IS the company Dryburgh Research' he's called Nigel Parson. He's THE analyst and THE director there.

Rather than going down the pub and rubbing shoulders with the hoi polloi Nigel has spent his working life in the offices of large corporates - doing research and analysis... Dryburgh Research IS, as far as I can make out, Nigel Parson.

"Dryburgh Research is an independent equity research firm specialising in the Leisure Sector. It aims to be the leading independent research voice in Leisure stocks by delivering unique insight, in a timely manor, tailored to the needs of our clients. If you would like to know more, drop us an email or give us a ring"

Nigel, as it happens, used to work for Inntrepreneur Pub Company. He was one of the people responsible for tucking up the beer tie in the first place.  Well done Nigel Parson.

Nigel's one of the many cockroaches who have their hands in the publicans' tills keeping the Great British Pubco SCAM alive and kicking as the UK's pub sector is bled dry.

SO: We have THOUSANDS of boarded up pubs all over the UK and people want to know why this very evident catastrophic thing is happening to our landscape, culture, heritage, society and to communities everywhere.

And we have on ONE HAND the British Beer and Pub Association BBPA standing up for the Great British Tied Pubco Business Model representing the various pub companies, telling everyone that this is ALL because of financial pressures being placed on the industry by:

1) the recession
2) people's drinking and socialising habits changing in favour of a) coffee and cake b) restaurant food with wine OR c) supermarket carry out take away meals and tins of lager around the telly
3) red tape generally - from no particular place
4) business rates
5) beer duty escalator
6) minimum wage going up all the time
7) other taxes
8) smoking ban
9) snow, rain, cloud, bad weather generally
10) people staying in to watch the Olympics or other attractions made available to the hoi polloi by the forces of anti pub life such as television and radio broadcasters
11) all of their thousands of pub company tenants, although 'happy with their pubco' are not knowing how to run a business
12) Greg Mulholland
13) cheap supermarket booze again


We have thousands of tied tenants telling the government and anyone else who will listen, the closures and threat to their own businesses are the result of financial pressures placed directly upon them by:

1) their pubco freeholders ripping them off by charging Higher than Market Rent and DOUBLE the amount for supplies (beer, wine, spirits, soft drinks) than they are available in the open market
2) ergo the tenants' pubs profits are zero, or depressed, while the pubco's manage to keep paying off their £billions of debts

The BBPA says not to listen to all these tenants because simply they are all talking RUBBISH, they don't understand what is happening to them.  And to prove it we can show that more Free of Tie pubs close than do TIED pubs therefore the Tie SUPPORTS these tied publicans who clearly would already be out of business if they were not tied. And then reports like this one from Dryburgh Research, which is entirely hearsay and palpable rubbish, pop up as part of the ONE HAND argument.  Mumbo Jumbo Voodoo Scary Magic. It's risible.

On the other hand the OTHER HAND cannot afford to pay for such nonsense

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