
Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Ted Tuppen Pronounces Anti Pubco Campaigners 'Failed Publicans"

Love it Ted: From The Sun scroll down to the bottom of the Kuwait article


FURIOUS pub chiefs ripped into “Casked Crusader” Greg Mulholland yesterday — with the counter attack led by “Super Ted”.

Enterprise Inns boss Ted Tuppen, left, laid into the MP for claiming big pub firms were running a scandal as big as US energy fraudsters ENRON.

Mr Mulholland — dubbed the Casked Crusader by The Sun last week — said pubcos such as Enterprise and PUNCH TAVERNS were ripping off tenants on beer they must buy from them.

But Super Ted swore vengeance, claiming the Lib Dem’s attacks on the “beer tie” model were based on nothing more than “hearsay”.

He said those joining the campaign against the tie were landlords who had “failed”. He told The Sun: “If you are doing badly you become a campaigner.”

Half-year results from Enterprise yesterday saw profits plunge from £64million to £29million.

In response I'm happy to admit that I failed because, according to the pubco P&L for my pub:

1) my wages bill SHOULD have been £150K split between five part time staff front of house and three staff in the kitchen when I employed five kitchen and ten full time front of house. The REAL wages bill was more than £250K the difference, of course, was my profit - of which I made, in reality none - which is why the pubco's solicitor in court told me "the problem with your business is that you chose to pay staff instead of rent"... three witnesses heard this nonsense.

2) my GP% achieved on beers SHOULD have been 58% when IN FACT it was 42% - a difference converted into cash of something around £30K loss to my account which SHOULD have been money with which to pay the pubco more rent of course.

3) All staff were paid more than the legal minimum - obviously wrong - as one area manager told me it is "irresponsible to pay staff more than the minimum wage".

4) Staff rotas were an average 37 hours / week - which meant I employed more people than the pub needed, to cover the 13 hours a day seven days a week operation.

5) I had too many staff on every shift - all the time - according to S&N my rotas should have had HALF the number of staff on than were on the payroll.

The consequence of my deliberate wilful inability to staff my pub properly was that I didn't pay myself for the last five years and Nicky took home £100 a week and - as any of you who visited the pub will have noticed - the staff spent most of their working lives lolling around the bar, texting friends and doing important personal facebook stuff, chatting with each other or grooming each other's hair, applying make up, drinking freely from the pumps and spirits bar which was their prerogative and so on.

7) Finally, IF a customer ever bothered to come into the pub, where we sold 350 barrels of the pubco's double invoice entry price beer they were generally ignored as there usually was a Staff Social going on in the background.

Meanwhile - as this never ending free for all party was taking place downstairs at the chalk face of the industry I was upstairs haranguing Ted Tuppen and Simon Townsend about the beer tie and their bullying tactics - because I knew I was a failure and there was no point trying to be otherwise in the pub that I made turn over £800K a years.

That's why I am a Campaigner.

Notice that Ted Tuppen's Company's profits are plummeting? From the way he's talking it looks like he's going to be a Campaigner soon... He's on the soapbox already.

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