Tuppen in plea to pubcos
Recommended reading for anyone who has an interest in tied leases - from prospective and existing tenants to Members of Parliament involved in Select Committee proceedings:
Check out the various pub companies' website bumpf on what they do in working together with tenants, the services and support they provide. It's quite interesting.
The S&NPC website is a good example of how to get into business the easy way. Presumably Ted is talking about this kind of thing: http://www.snpubs.co.uk/ Have a look for their recommendations to take third party advice. Look at the interviews with new tenants.
"Your search for your ideal pub starts here... With S&NPC you're in good company.
If you have ever wanted to run your own pub, Scottish & Newcastle Pub Company could be your perfect pub partner.
For over 200 years we have been creating great British pubs and we never forget a great pub starts with a great operator.
With S&NPC you run your pub your way but you also have the backing of one of the world’s largest brewing operations who can supply the brands, the training and everything else you need to achieve your ambitions in the pub industry."
It's a bed of roses innit.
Their CSR statement's a laugh as well. And when you read their 'Environmental Statement' you might even choke on your coffee!
Tuppen in plea to pubcos
What Tuppen's really saying to his fellow pubcos here is:
"Look guys, we're all in this together, the tie is on the ropes, people on the outside are getting the picture, we've got to tighten up our act and sing from the same hymn sheet. We've got to be seen to be telling prospective tenants not to touch any tied lease with a bargepole or else we'll be accused of misrepresentation. We've got to get it so there's no misunderstandings and business failure is all down to the tenants. Can't say we didn't warn you: YOU signed the lease - YOU'RE going bankrupt; It's all down to YOUR stupidity."
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