
Friday, June 18, 2010

Dixon: set up BII arm for tenants

This is Phil Dixon being radical. The very mention of Fair Pint is designed to mark him out as an independent thinker. It's not the case. As far as individual licensees are concerned BII is a pointless talking shop. Any move toward properly representing individual tenants at a grass root level will be window dressing just like pubco pronouncements of 'evolving' the tie. BII is in the same invidious position everyone who comes into contact with pubcos find themselves - tainted by the pubco pound - they have to change but, being welded into the status quo, cannot. Basically pubcos have abused the tie so much they are totally dependent on it and it's become a straightjacket they cannot get out of without causing themselves a lot of damage.

BII enthusiastically helped get the industry where it is and it's now suffering the consequences. Dixon and Robertson know this but, being little more than pubco whipping boys, there's precious little they can do to really change the way it is.

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