
Friday, March 19, 2010

That aside a timely reminder that Enterprise welcomed the BESC inquiry in 2008 when first announced. That was not long after Ted Tuppen told the press that lots of MPs are moronic for signing an Early Day Motion calling for the investigation revisiting TISC 2004. Which led to BESC subsequently recommending reform... which Healey, to his credit, has nailed to the mast with cross party support.

This is a severe indictment of pubco behaviour. Enterprise are behaving as if they are facing being in the corner when actually it's an abyss of commercial collapse they are staring at.

This bluster from Enterprise Towers hides their annoyance and deepest concerns: they are screwed along with all the other pubcos who've calculatedly abused their responsibilities and neglected to observe even the most basic rules of corporate ethics in developing and driving forward a completely AMORAL business model that serves no one well other than the board and their gullible servants.

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