MP calls for support for pubs
* By Lesley Foottit
* 27/01/2010 13:21
Grogan could at least as a last act, as he's been at the heart of the pubco shindig with his chairing APPBG for ages, come out with something which supports THE PUB in a meaningful way as Karl Harrison points out - Grogan believed the tie is good because that's what BBPA and the pubcos told him and he should not be shimmying along with BBPA anymore as they have discredited themselves over the last year and a half and proven they do not represent pubs or publicans at all.
Until Fair Pint came along there was no one else saying anything sensible about the future of the industry because no one was allowed to mention 'the tie' or 'pubcos' in parliamentary meetings convened to discuss the woes of pubs closing like a rash all over the UK and Fair Pint told Grogan what really is going on. They all struggle to believe initially but once they dig beneath the surface of the veneer that's been made for them, they find the rot and scandal of it all and feel ashamed.
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