
Wednesday, May 13, 2009

George Baker, Business Enterprise Comittee sessions are not held under
oath. At the BEC sessions some of the MPs gave the CEOs a bit of a
grilling, Ted Tuppen was very uncomfortable for a while, and let's not
forget Martin Willis (MD of Fleurets, a company not unknown to
Enterprise Inns and Punch Taverns), who appeared on behalf of RICS. He
got a well deserved basting from Lindsay Hoyle for being the 'Game
Keeper and Poacher' in the room.

There may be a moral imperative in the mind of some, when giving
evidence in front of a Select Committee, to be open transparent and
honest because they have nothing to lose by being truthful but there
is no absolute obligation for those appearing to tell the truth. A few
forgetful or fuzzy moments from the suits might be expected under the
circumstances when they hear, in their minds ear, the rush of wind as
their share price goes into free fall.

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