23 September 2011
from: Mark Dodds. No Fixed Abode
Representatives of Scottish & Newcastle Pub Company
Re: Mark Dodds / The Sun and Doves Public House,
Camberwell, London SE5. Outlet 116144
Since 23 September representatives of your company have attempted to deceive police by making false allegations about the circumstances of my leaving the above pub.
Your employees' repeated false statements include telling the police that I have committed criminal damage and have stolen property belonging to your company. I left the building in compliance with the terms of your company's eviction notice and these serious misrepresentations of fact must immediately cease being reported.
Further to this your company's actions are an abuse of limited public resources as there are no legitimate grounds for your employees to be vexatiously wasting police time. Your employees' motives are clearly aimed at intimidating me vicariously by attempting to deceive third parties into harassing me in the place of your company taking civil action to attempt to recover goods it does not own. Immediately inform your employees to cease and desist from making these accusations.
For clarity: If your employees continue to make false allegations and insinuations to the police regarding my supposedly criminal activity I will apply for an injunction against S&NPC.
Furthermore I will publish this correspondence as widely as possible and make a point of informing all pub industry stakeholders, politicians and the press, both trade and national, about your company's actions.
If you consider there to be grounds for your company to make a civil case I will be pleased to correspond directly with an employee who has authority to do so via this email address. Any queries your staff may have about any property they have accused me of stealing I will respond to without delay. In this regard you may consider referring your employees to the detailed inventories and lease agreements proving ownership which, at their request, I gave them in meetings over the past three years.
If you want to correspond about my leaving the pub in general, for example you may like the next lessees to have an insight into the pub's interesting history - I will be pleased to share my knowledge with any future lessee, you may also do so via email to this address as I now am of no fixed abode, having been evicted.
Further to these matters if your company believes I owe it any money please send an up to date, full and final, statement of all accounts outstanding. Please be sure to include all new and invented claims by 15 October for the interest of the Official Receiver in my case who I will be pleased to pass your correspondence on to by return.
Sincerely, I look forward to your confirmation of action
Mark Dodds
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