“If anyone can be bothered to look back through my posts over the last few weeks you will find several where I mention that a meeting with Peter Mandelson was coming up. Perhaps no one took those seriously because the 'pieman' is often saying I am on drugs and so on etc etc. Yawn and 'his' snidey deceiving accusatory language and presence here have more weight than does experience and fact.”
As was pointed out by a few people, Mark was hardly dressed appropriately to meet a Government Minister. In a letter of complaint to the Publican, Mark Dodds explains the reason why, thus.
“Why SHOULD I have to justify the way I dress when meeting a public figure? The TRUTH about my slightly casual dress is really mundane, and perhaps embarrassing if I were less thick skinned, the boiler in my home had broken down a few days before, we had no heating or hot water, and on the day of the meeting I had a lot of work to do and didn’t have the chance to borrow someone else’ bathroom or to change into smarter clothes beforehand.”
How long does it take to have a quick wash in cold water and change into a suit, collar and tie? Quite. Does anyone remember Jackanory?
In yet another letter of complaint, this time to the Daily Mail concerning their ‘anti Labour’ reporting of the fundraising event, Mr Dodds propounds that ;
“I was there, I am the owner of The Sun and Doves and was catering for the occasion”
The meeting with Mandelson is now exposed as a total sham, THANK YOU Mr Dodds for irrefutably confirming it.
By the way, everyone is welcome to discuss at
p.s I'm not sure if this is actually 'caught out' or LBW.
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Stephen Corbett 02/04/2010 21:55:44
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David Harrison 02/04/2010 22:26:56
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It was a great yawn!!! and very constructive," said Fair Pint yawning member Corbett.
"It was good to spend some time yawning to him and he yawned intently and yawned at what we had to say.
"Hopefully we will meet again in a week or two to pick up yawning further."
Did your boiler break down as well Steve or couldn't you be bothered? Yawnnnnn !
edited by: David Harrison at: 02/04/2010 22:27:15
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David Harrison 03/04/2010 01:43:56
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I think that 'verita vos liberabit' translates as 'the truth will set you free' but you wouldn't know much about that would you Stephen?
Then again. Mr Dodds is no slouch in the porky pie department either is he ? ...... as this extract from his now 'protected' blog shows.
"They lie about Fair Pint and me, do it with a tone of authority, as if what they are saying is true, they get frank responses back and then accuse us of more lies, spin and BS "
Could it REALLY be that what is said IS true? For example, the 'meeting' with Mandelson that you blatantly lied about supported by General Donkey and by all the 'disciples' who were there and 'witnessed' it?
Mr Dodds:
"Mandelson meeting: a whole load of speculation about it on this thread and I post the train of events accurately and what happens? ‘Matlock’ comes back and says it’s all lies and that his account of what happened is the truth. He even uses my being unshaved and not wearing a suit as evidence that my account is a lie."
Oh dear oh dear, given the admission on the blog that he just managed to pass a note to Mandelson begging for a real meeting. I'm not sure if this constitutes shooting oneself in the foot or self emasculation.
"What is the point of all these lies, false accusations, innuendo and basic abuse?’"
Well, as it goes, the lies are all yours ( Dodds and Corbett that is ) there are NO false accusations or innuendo and I'm happy to call you both liars. If that constitues abuse, so be it.
Of course, Mr Dodds is all sweetness and light isn't he? Just as this post to an ex-landlady on the Publican forum shows. She was verified by Roland as being a genuine poster.
" It wears thin sometimes fatty. YOU ought to get off your fat ex landlady's backside and do something about the pub industry instead of posting hot air about me."
A real charmer ain't he?
edited by: David Harrison at: 03/04/2010 01:44:46
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David Harrison 03/04/2010 01:24:22
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For the avoidance of doubt, the full letter from Mr Dodds to Mandelson reads as follows.
"Dear Peter.
We met briefly at The Sun and Doves last Thursday and I gave you a note asking for a an off the record meeting.
We met Geoffrey Norris last year. He clearly decided not to mention to you the significance of the pub industry in the grand scheme of things because he considers pubs to be an insignificant industry beneath his sights.
I was not at that meeting but he introduced himself with a 'I don't know why I am here' and proceeded to appear dry, disinterested and distracted from what my very well informed colleagues had to say.
This was a great shame. Norris misjudged the importance of pubs to society and government when really, you will find a face to face meeting with Fair Pint very interesting and revealing.
Please find time to meet us. We are publicans, we are near the voters, we have a lot to offer."
For anyone who is unaware, Geoffrey Norris is Mandelsons Special Advisor and no mug at all.
Then we have MJD ranting at the Daily Mail that their account of the fundrasing bash ) was "unfair"
"I was there, I am the owner (sic) of The Sun and Doves and was catering for the occasion. It's too late to provide balance but this is not good journalism.
This is a heavily slanted anti labour article, not an accurate report of what Mandelson was like on the night. IF Mandelson HAD been bragging I would have no problem about agreeing with this piece but as he did not and it was NOTHING like this makes it seem it's only fair to point out what it was really like.
Mandelson was focused, respectful of his audience, serious about the election campaign and challenges ahead. There was not a hint of arrogance in his delivery he came across as an thoughtful accessible person with a clear understanding of what needs to be done: A lot of hard work."
J Mark Dodds
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David Harrison 03/04/2010 01:47:52
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Given Mandelson's "pedigree" in politics, I'd be intensely suspicious of anyone trying to befriend him, suck up to him or even be NICE to him. The man is a scumbag.
I totally despise anyone who tells lies particularly when those lies are designed to garner votes for a political party I also despise.
Any 'undecided' licensee being led to believe that Mandelson is 'onside' ,could I suggest, gravitate to Labour by default. Mandelson is NOT onside as Mr Dodds' blog so adequately demonstrates. In fact, Mr Dodds you'll probably find the begging letter blowing down Coldharbour lane in pieces. It never pays to slag off someone's advisor.
edited by: David Harrison at: 03/04/2010 01:49:43
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paul salvadori 03/04/2010 01:54:03
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SH. Seek help.
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David Harrison 03/04/2010 03:10:58
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Lies are lies and getting caught out telling HUGE porkies for self agrandisement is shameful not to mention incredibly stupid. WELL DONE FAIRPINT !!!
edited by: David Harrison at: 03/04/2010 03:11:22
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J Mark Dodds 03/04/2010 07:29:19
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Help Saught For Control Freak Multiple ID Fruitcake
Snore..... Oops... triple post
edited by: J Mark Dodds at: 03/04/2010 07:29:49
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J Mark Dodds 03/04/2010 07:30:18
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Ex Licensees Up All Hours Stirring Mud
edited by: J Mark Dodds at: 03/04/2010 07:30:47
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J Mark Dodds 03/04/2010 07:28:22
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Another Day Another Dollar
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Michael Rounthwaite 03/04/2010 11:22:55
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Ewan, weriously can you not do something about this one poster who is ruining your forum?
Or is he part of the pubco plan to stop licensees getting together?
I noticed along with everyone else how quick you were to ensure that no-one was nasty about Giles leaving Punch with his tens of millions gained through exploiting and bankrupting thousands of ordinary working people, yet you allow this constant abuse to continue?
As the youngsters in my pub like to say "Man up and grow a pair".
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Robert Feal-Martinez 03/04/2010 11:50:15
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I suppose the obvious question which is simple to answer is:
Is the letter genuine. Yes or No.
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J Mark Dodds 03/04/2010 11:53:06
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Perhaps it was meant to be private.
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