
Friday, April 16, 2010

Analyst: Wetherspoon to double pub estate

Incredible OGB. Gilbert is one of the most perceptive, acerbic and cut-through-the-nonsense critics of the tied 'model' who also advocates lessees' need to be businesslike, hard working and focused in order to ply their trade effectively.

Yet there you go, harping on blindly from inside your mummy cloth hearing things that aren't being said, carping on like Gilbert's some kind of lily-livered ninny who's crying for the plight of useless tenants who deserve to go out of business because of their own stupidity and inability to read a lease.

As so often, you got it slightly wrong.

The position you take "People always have a choice even if it means diverting the family elsewhere. Inconvenient and costly but not impossible." was blown way out of the water two years ago but here it still is being spouted from the same ossified standpipe.

And the Jury's made the decision OGB just no one has had the nerve to put it into legislation yet. The pubco hulks are holed and the CEO's are leaving the flotilla.

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