
Saturday, October 10, 2009

Enterprise slams 'beercott' group

Funnily Ex Sapper I had a mix up when my bank mistakenly cancelled my rent DD. Doing a bank rec I noticed that rent hadn't gone out, called the bank, found out their mistake, called credit control at Scottish & Newcastle "We have no idea what our left leg is doing" Pub Enterprises, told them, paid rent by bacs and all was fine.

Got letter from bank explaining administrative error with apology, sent copy to credit control, met BDM and said if there's ever a problem with something like this, call me to find out why, it's bound to be a mess up on a keyboard somewhere.

Re-set DD with Scottish & Newcastle "We think we know where our huge fat rear end is, what did we do with our elbow?" Pub Enterprises - checked with credit control that everything was in place, checked with bank - all OK fine and dandy.

The VERY NEXT month I was on holiday. Got a call from my business partner: 'We've got bailffs in the bar with a distraint notice for unpaid rent. They say they will not leave unless I pay them £6,000 cash immediately plus their £400 fees; they are taking an inventory, and threatening to remove stuff from the premises. It's really busy and the customers and staff are getting upset because they don't know what's going on'. I can tell you this made me feel very calm on my guided tour around a Scottish stately home with my family.


I have lots of incredibly annoying experiences of my pubco's total incompetence like this one. I have NEVER been offered an apology for any of their acts of gross stupidity. I've been at my pub for 14 years. This type of business nonsense is like background radiation. It never stops and it's likely to kill you in the end.

As Dean Martin sang: 'Memories Are Made of This'. And that's why I got involved with setting up The Fair Pint Campaign.

You may understand from this one example, dear fellow lessees, why I have utter contempt for this company and its staff and the way it behaves and performs generally. Utter contempt. - if any of this rings a bell - sign up now

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