
Friday, February 20, 2009

George, Sandra. Thank you.

After a little entertainment a timely return to the matter IN HAN. Just got PayPal account confirmation earlier. Donations for the INEZ WARD AID fund can be made to PayPal on this link:

Cut and paste the link into your browser and donate... Simple as that. Thanks!

The aim is to raise 20K as soon as possible to support Inez which ought to cover statutory demands from her pubco and provide some much needed high quality legal guidance. Any surplus will be kept as an escrow fund to pay for legal and professional support for licensees who have legal grounds with pubcos which will set precedents for others in a like position.

We are also talking to the Licensed Trade Charity with a view to possibly donating to them without strings attached if there is surplus cash left at the end, whenever that might be. I promise, as do the Fair Pint Steering group that not one penny of donations given towards supporting Inez will be spent on anything other than Inez without publishing what the intentions might be.

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