1. Are you a member of SIBA?
2. List products you manufacture and sell to PubCos
3. What is your wholesale list price per barrel per product?
4. How much, per barrel, do charge to a PubCos for each product?
5. How much, per barrel, do you charge a free trade customer?
6. Do you discount for higher volume sales to PubCos? How much?
7. Do you discount for higher volume sales to free trade customers? How much?
8. Do you know the list price that PubCos charge for each of your products? If you do – what are these prices?
9. Which PubCos do you do business with?
10. Are all sales to PubCos routed through the SIBA accounting system?
11. What credit terms do you offer to PubCos? Eg: 30 days / payment by the 14th of the month following delivery.
12. What credit terms do you offer free trade customers?
13. Do PubCos pressure you to offer extended credit terms? What terms are used in these discussions?
14. Do free trade customers pressure you to offer extended credit terms? What terms are used in these discussions?
15. Do Pubcos pay on time?
16. Do free of tie customers pay on time?
17. At the 2004 T&ISC hearings it was revealed that small brewers who do not offer Pubcos big discounts find that PubCos will not take their beers on. Is this still true?
18. Pubcos claim that having small brewers’ beers in their portfolios increases customer choice. Has their inclusion increased your prices so that the Pubcos get the discount level they demand?
19. Has the inclusion of products on the Pubco lists increased your profitability?
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