
Thursday, April 03, 2008

RE: Sutcliffe: Get your act together

“I think the industry’s right to be upset. We, and I speak as a champion of the pub trade, want the Chancellor to change his mind."

It's somewhat disingenuous for Gerry, as licensing minister, to be talking like he's got nothing to do with government tax policy isn't it? If Gerry's been quoted accurately, while he's clear this industry is not united, it appears he's not up to speed on what's going on altogether in this industry - but perhaps that's because it's NOT united and no one's giving him a clear message.

Who really does champion this industry? (apart from Graham Allman of course!). Please tell me.

On reflection, I'd say the closest thing this industry has to a Champion is this website - as far as I know this is the only resource nationally that's accessible and to a great extent uninhibited where people in the industry can get a sense of what's happening across the country and an understanding that they aren't alone in their experience.

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