
Monday, March 10, 2008

10 Mar 2008 12:42
nigel rose
4 Post(s)
1 Star Rating

RE: The new cross key in Pontefract

My name is Nigel Rose a father of three young children at The New Cross Keys in Pontefract I took over this pub on the 14th Dec 2006, I at the time had 3 properties to rent a good job thinking I could eventually leave work and be a full time landlord but that was not to be with all the stress I have lost my job and I have had to sell two of my properties. This has not helped I am up to my eyeballs in debt with a debt management agency trying to help me. I cant sleep at night I have through out being a licensee have wanted to take my own life if it wasn't for my 3 children I dont think id have made it to 2008. Its not our fault its the brewery charging to much rent. There are several pubs in Pontefract owned by this brewery, Turks Head, the Woodman, Antix and one just down the road in Featherstone the Jubilee Hotel all shut down to name but a few because of the high rent. While im typing this in I feel sick to the core that my families future as been turned upside down . We need the help of the government theres no where else to turn theres that many wolves at my door its not fair. Please give me a chance to turn this business around its all we've got.

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This is an emergency.

Nigel. Hold on to the last vestiges of your sanity. And takes steps immediately to make yourself feel better. You must make yourself calm and NOT do anything that will leave your children and partner without you. You are the most important thing in their lives and your not being there to see them grow up would be even more tragic than what you are experienceing right now.

You must hold on to yourself. If you look after your body now, your mind will follow through fairly soon after. You can help yourself. What you are going through will end. It is not going to go on forever (although it feels it) and you will, at some point, be able to look at this with distance and some objectivity. Bear that in mind no matter how dreadful you feel. Money is important but YOUR health, physical and mental, is the most important thing you have and you must work on restoring that. Get to your doctor quick. Make an appointment with your GP as soon as you possibly can. If the receptionist says next week, keep calm and tell them you are feeling suicidal and are really not confident that you can cope until then. Tell the doctor exactly what is happening to you - all the detail - and your feelings. Your doctor should be able to help. You probably need sleep more inportantly than anything else, right away.

Exercise gently in the morning - or whenever you can - regularly for five days a week. Regard this a prescription from your doctor. Jog on the spot, do sit ups, touch your toes. Concentrate for ten to fifteen minutes on doing just this and thinking about nothing else. Make yourself sweat. Do it in front of your children, make a game out of it, make them laugh at you doing silly things with your body. Tell them to help you by doing the exercises with you.

Help on exercises here


This is an emergency.

If you are drinking alcohol, slow down, try to stop altogether if you can. Alcohol is a depressant and will, undoubtedly, make you feel worse. If you smoke ahem, grass or spliff I believe it is called - stop. Avoid stimulants of any kind. Drink a lot of water, non caffeine teas, peppermint etc take 100mg cod liver oil and one a day soluble fizzy multi vitamins (lidl / aldi etc very good value). Don not take herbal medicines - such as St John's Wort - unless prescribed. Eat breakfast - high fibre cereal, like muesli and bran, with fruit and yogurt if you can - one solid basic meal every day will help.

Get through each day and don't think about the next or next week. Just try to do one thing you have to do each day and if you do not manage to do it, do not give yourself a hard time. You are under intolerable pressure. Give yourself a break.

Although it will not make you feel immediately better, believe, absolutely, as Stephen says, you are not alone.

I hope this helps... From El Nino Luminoso

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